Friday, 4 August 2017

10 Little Known Secrets that Will Help You Overcome Obstacles and Adversity

Everyday, life throws obstacles and challenges along our path. It is a fact of life. 

How we deal with obstacles and adversity defines our lives.

Some obstacles are more serious than others. You might crave ice cream, only to realize that the fridge is empty. This is a minor obstacle and the solution is obvious...Hop in the car and go to the nearest supermarket. Job's done. On the other hand, bigger obstacles require an effective approach and a high level of perseverance.

Use these 10 Little Known Secrets that Will Help You Overcome Obstacles and Adversity: 

1. Man up! Take responsibility. Blaming the circumstances or others is disempowering. If you believe that the cause for the failure is outside yourself, there’s nothing you can do to rectify the situation. 

2. Take control of your negative thoughts. Negative thoughts are limiting. It’s very easy go down a dark mental path. There are no answers to be found there. Asking yourself, “Why do I always fail?” won’t provide useful information. You’ll only succeed in making yourself stressed, miserable, and less effective.

3. Focus on solutions. Instead of beating yourself up, seek a solution. Unsuccessful people focus on problems rather than solutions. Be different. Keep your negative thoughts to a minimum and redirect your attention to finding a simple, elegant solution.

It’s easier to find something if you’re looking for it. Focusing on problems only makes them appear more challenging. Explore options, ask around, search the to problems abound only if you know where to look.

4. Acknowledge adversity as a test. Imagine that the universe is testing your commitment and cleverness. Can you stay positive, find a solution, and make it work? Adversity is a challenge of your skills.

5. Take up exercise. Adversity brings stress, and few activities deal with stress better than exercise. Hitting the weights or running for few miles can relieve your stress and provide a new perspective.
The type of exercise doesn’t matter, as long as it lasts at least 30 minutes and you’re breathing heavily by the end.

6. Stay calm. There are few advantages to being anxious. Prolonged anxiety will eventually lead to illness. The best solutions are likely to present themselves when you’re calm and relaxed.

Meditation, listening to empowering audios and doing breathing exercises are beneficial when you want to stay mindful and calm. They open up your inner intelligence and you'll soon discover new ways and strategies to overcome obstacles and adversity.

7. Stop worrying and focus on what you can control. What’s the point in worrying about things that are out of your control? Keep your attention on the things you can control. Ask yourself what you can change and then get busy changing it.

Worrying is a waste of valued time. As we all know, time is gold. We can never turn back time. So, get laser focused on what you can control.

8. Be good to yourself. Love yourself to the max! Take care of yourself by eating well, engaging in exercise, and getting enough sleep. Eating poorly, lying around all day, and staying up all night only make you less capable. Be at your best, regardless of the setback. Maintain your grooming and your social life.
The world is still turning. Be a part of it.

9. Revisit your goals. Remember your "Why." Ask yourself why you are doing what you're doing. Remind yourself of what you’re trying to achieve. Visualize the endpoint and remember how great you’re going to feel when it happens. If you’re bogged down in the present, remind yourself of your ideal endpoint.
Having a clear vision will inspire you to take the steps no matter what obstacles or adversities lie ahead.
10. March on. Keep going despite the setbacks. Have the courage to continue pressing forward.  You can always find a solution. The key is to keep moving forward.

Life is always throwing up roadblocks at inopportune times. The choice is either to wither away in misery or to use adversity as challenge to take your life to the next level. Adversity is a test of your perseverance and problem-solving abilities.

Accept that obstacles and adversities are here to help you become a better person. Challenges in life are universal. No one is immune. 

Dealing with adversity skilfully separates those that are successful from those that are not. The choice is yours.

Be enlightened with this one fundamental truth...Success is your birthright. You were created to enjoy success and abundance in all facets of life. This blog post will help you realize success:  "Soar to Greater Success By Eliminating Your Fear of Failure."

Cheers to your passion, purpose and freedom,

Cielo Marie

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