Friday, 4 August 2017

Top 6 Reasons Why You Haven't Found Your Passion/ How To Find Your Passion In Life

Hey, are you living your life passionately?

If yes, then good on you! If no, then why not? 

Life is too short to be wobbling along without a sense of passion and purpose in your life.

Truth is, that’s exactly the way most of us live our lives.
What happened to the exciting and ambitious ideas you had as a child? Are they gone forever?

You’re going to have to work diligently at whatever you choose to do if you want to be successful. It only makes sense to spend that time and effort on something that’s meaningful to you.

Can you be more committed to your freedom and happiness than you are to your comfort zone?

Well, let me tell you this...hope it helps:)

I've discovered how to find your passion in life and experience life to the fullest!

Surely, there are many reasons keeping you from discovering your passion.
Check out my Top 6 Reasons Why You Haven't Found Your Passion and How To Find Your Passion in Life

 1. You don't have the necessary experience.

While a few people choose the course of their lives by the age of six, most of us need more experience to make that determination. You can’t know what it’s like to play the guitar, fly an airplane, or write a movie script until you’ve actually spent some time doing those things.

Ever since I was small, I remember being always drawn to books and captivated by the stories woven within its pages. My father was my biggest influence because despite his meagre income, he would find a way to buy books for us. He always had a book by his side and wrote on his journal on a daily basis. Naturally, I felt a deep desire to write my thoughts on paper, too. It took me years to realize that it was my calling... 

Boy was I glad to finally make a decision to enrol myself in a writing course. And despite my busy schedule juggling work with family commitments, I managed to complete a diploma in writing stories for children.

Deep in my heart, I knew I made the right decision. I've seen too many people on their death beds regretting the things they wished they could have done but never had the time nor courage to do.

2. You've become too comfortable and have forgotten what you love. Dreams and passion start to die as soon as you take a job primarily for financial stability. You quickly lose sight of what you love to do in the name of comfort and convenience.

Spend some time thinking about and experiencing the things you once loved to do. It might spark some new ideas.

Avoid being too practical.

We are like zombies indeed! We head towards the direction where majority of the human race go. And forget to carve out our own paths because we've become too comfortable or too contented with our present situation.

Don't get me wrong, to be contented is a positive attribute. However, you must allow yourself to stretch beyond your comfort zone. Life is about growth and change. You are here to evolve and become the highest version of your self.

Find some time to do the things that used to make your heart burn with passion. If it's playing tennis, by golly do it! If you love to paint caricatures, just do it!If  you find joy in baking sweet treats for your family, then do it. 

Who knows, your rekindled passion for the things you loved to do might just open opportunities to create more financial blessings.

If you still haven't got a clue how to find your passion in life, then check out this great article entitled, 6 Clues for finding your purpose and passion in life.

3. You don't know that you have what it takes to succeed. All you need is to believe in your capabilities. Nearly any passion can be turned into a significant income.

In most cases, your greatest passions and utmost joy will come from something that allows you to be creative.

Come on, who else will believe in your capabilities more than you do?
Certainly, your family will support you in your endeavor. However, you are the master of your destiny. You know your capabilities more than anyone else does. So, believe in your self and if ever there are negative influencers around you, never mind them. It's your life and it's your call.

Now let me ask you again, how do you find your passion in life? 

Well, you know it already. You are just too busy doing the mundane things and have lent a deaf ear to the creative soul within you, begging to be expressed. Meditation is key to finding your passion and purpose in life. Be quiet and listen to your soul speak.

In fact, many of today's successful people are  those who chose to pursue their passions, enjoyed their creative side while at the same time, created opportunities for financial freedom. A prime example  is Oprah, who created a multimillion media empire by doing what she loves most.

4. You’re projecting too far into the future. It’s easy to becomediscouraged if your passion will take a long period of time to achieve. Becoming a rock star or an orthopaedic surgeon won’t happen overnight. It’s easy to think that all the steps leading up to a big goal are meaningless.

  • But all of those steps are part of the journey and just as worthwhile. In fact, they’re not just obstacles, but learning opportunities necessary to make your passion a reality.
I chanced upon a video on Youtube which documented how it takes ten thousand hours to master a craft or to be an expert in your field...a guru, so to speak. People don't get to see the work, endless hours and hundreds of failed attempts that happen behind the scenes. What they see is the successful person that you are right now.

What about you? Do you have the discipline, fortitude and persistence to create the life that you want by pursuing your passions?
It's never too late. Now is the best time to start.

5. You’re unclear about your values. When your values are crystal clear, it’s much easier to make decisions and plot your course.

What’s most important to you? Create a list of your values. You’ll find this exercise is highly useful. It will help to define you as a person.

Let me give you an example. Let's say, you love caring for dogs and it breaks your heart to see dogs being neglected by their owners. You might find that you want to be in a profession where you can be proactive in preventing these kinds of abuses to animals. Find out about a career in animal protection and pursue that. After all, you need to love what you do and do what you love. It's a win-win solution for you. 

6. You’re not great at dealing with discomfort. When you think about your passion, you might feel uncomfortable. After all, if you’re sleeping on your mom’s couch with $33 dollars to your name, how will you ever become the world’s most powerful  spy agent?
You must be able to step out of your comfort zone in order to change your life for the better.
Every successful person had to take a leap of faith, suck it up and just do it. If you really want to live a meaningful and purposeful life, then you have to face your fears. Stretch if you must but don't you quit.

No matter how you’ve been living, you can change. If you want to be an online marketer, you have to develop the mindset and skill set necessary to be successful in your chosen career. Regardless of the investment, time or money wise, be prepared to do everything that's needed to be successful. In due time, you will reap what you sow.

Regardless of your age, you can begin living your passion right now. You give your best to the world and your family when you’re excited, committed, and fully engaged.

So, have you found your passion? I hope so and believe you'll do.
I appreciate it if you can leave me a comment or spread the love by sharing this post:)

Cheers to your passion, purpose and freedom,

Cielo Marie

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